El Dorado Putting Greens


Several months ago, a process was begun to restore the Putting Greens at El Dorado to dimensions in place before Kikuyu surrounds crept in and shrunk many of the greens.  This process has not healed as quickly as hoped.


All areas mowed to green height are considered Putting Green; balls in these areas may be marked and lifted and ball marks in these areas may be repaired.  A ball lying in these areas that is accidentally moved by the player or caddy may be replaced without penalty (Note to Rule 18-2).


Some portions of these mowed areas contain weak turf or even dirt; that is not necessarily an Abnormal Ground Condition at this time; no relief will be given for these areas.  However, areas of new sod that are on the Putting Green and are either scalped or uneven, have been marked by white dots and these areas are deemed Ground Under Repair.  If a ball is within an area so marked, or if such an area is on the Line of Putt for a ball that is on the Putting Green, the ball may lifted and placed at the Nearest Point that avoids interference (for the lie of a ball within the area), or avoids interference for the Line of Putt (for a ball that is on the Putting Green but not within the marked area).  NOTE: the nearest point may not be on the Putting Green.    A ball which comes to rest in a sod seam, whether or not the new sod is marked as Ground Under Repair, is entitled to relief.